2024 has been a year of Truth Revelations, Awakening and Shifts.
A year when Truths are gaslighted to be lies, and lies are projected as truths.
A year when the true nature of people, beliefs, values and connections are revealed.
A year when the internal core of you - your soul, empathy, emotions, nervous system.. is tested beyond the capabilities you even think possible, as a test of your humanity.
A year when the commercial structures of corporations that run our world are further revealed.
What's this got to do with consumerism you say?
Black Friday Sales, Buy 3 for 2 sales, Buy 1 Get 1 Free, and all forms of marketing that targets your habits, emotions and cravings. You know them well, and they know you even better. They study human behaviour and psychology, these marketing gurus. To keep you keep buying their stuff! Even if you Don't need them. Consumerism.
Do you really need it?
Do you reuse?
Have you tried Op shops?
Just a reminder tug that as we progress into the new year, wiser we hope, more conscious and aware, more awakened to the interconnectedness of all beings and systems; that whatever and however much you choose to consume or not consume affects another, human, animal or environment.
Or it simply further lines the already bulging pockets of the big faceless smiles of giant corporations and multinationals.
Know where and how your goods and services are sourced.
Are they ethically sourced,? organic or non organic? locally made? imported? Are ingredients listed in codes and numbers? Where do they trace back to? Do they contribute to the income of a family, small business, farmer or big corporation profits that fund community projects or fund the destruction of social justice. Do they trace back to funding wars and genocide? BDS say NO to what doesn't sit right with your conscience.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
What can I one person do to change the world? says each of the 7 billion humans.
Let's make our resolution for the upcoming year toward Choosing Wisely and Less. Discerning and Less consumption. Less is more. More appreciation.
Enjoy your cup of Tea! 🌿🍵
Safe peaceful Christmas to you and Best Wishes for 2025! May it be a year of new beginnings for a new world!
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